Header is the part of the website that contains the links to the most important parts and pages of the website. The header contains the website logo as well as the navigational menus. To view all the contents of a webpage, the users will always scroll down. Scrolling down will leave the menu unreachable for the rest of the page. This is why directory theme comes with a sticky header.

As the name suggests the sticky header sticks to the top of the browser while you scroll down the page. This makes the header available all the time. So, if a user wants to go to the menu again, he won’t have to scroll all the way up to the top of the webpage to access it.

How to enable a sticky header?

To enable sticky header, Navigate to the Dashboard >> Appearance >> General settings
From here you can enable or disable the sticky header by turning on or off the toggle button.


A directory website will have many sections of information between the header and the footer. This will make the webpage very lengthy. To access the whole page it needs to be scrolled through. Imagine a user who has scrolled down to find some information. He is looking for a certain information but did not find it on the current page. He desires to use the navigational menu to go to the other page.

If the website has no sticky header, he will have to scroll up to till the header is reached and the menu is visible. This becomes inconvenient and time consuming. But with sticky header enables, he won’t have to bother this much. He will just have to reach the top of the screen to click the desired menu item in the sticky header.