GeoPlaces v4 is available for download in the member area. To download the latest version of GeoPlaces v3 click here

Export listings and city data from GeoPlaces v3

First download the latest version of GeoPlaces v3 from the member area and update your existing GeoPlaces 3 theme. If you do not wish to update the entire theme, just take a look at the changelog of the downloaded one and add/replace only the required files to enable bulk upload feature in GeoPlaces 3.

Now, go to wp-admin > GeoPlaces > Bulk upload. Scroll down to section: ‘Export to CSV’. Select the post type you wish to export and click the link ‘Export to CSV’. You will notice that the links to download CSVs for available cities are already present over there. Download data for required city to your computer. Now proceed to import these data to GeoPlaces v4 enabled theme.

Import listing and city data to GeoPlaces v4 enabled theme

Go to wp-admin > GeoPlaces > Advanced Settings > Bulk upload. In the ‘Import’ section, select the post-type to upload listings data into. Then upload the CSV. To upload city data, upload the respective CSV file to the ‘Import city data from GeoPlaces (older versions)’ section.