Changing the category page banner

  1. To change the banner that you see on the category page, navigate to WooCommerce ⇒ Products ⇒ Categories.
  2. Look for the category that you want to edit. Hover over the category name, some options will appear.
  3. Choose to edit the category.
  4. On the category edit page, look for the thumbnail option. You can simply remove the image or upload a new one.
  5. Don’t forget to hit “Update” before you leave the category page.

Changing/Removing the banner text from the category page

  1. To change the banner that you see on the category page, navigate to WooCommerce ⇒ Products ⇒ Categories.
  2. Look for the category that you want to edit. Hover over the category name, some options will appear.
  3. Choose to edit the category.
  4. On the edit category page, find the description field. This is the text that you have on the category page banner.
  5. You can update the text here, or if you don’t want to display any text on the category page banner, just remove the category description.
  6. Hit “Update”.

Adding a new product category

  1. To create product categories, navigate to WooCommerce ⇒ Products ⇒ Categories. This is where you can create new categories or update the existing ones.
  2. Fill up the information required to create the category.
  3. You can even set a parent category if you want.
  4. When all the information is entered, press “Add new category” button.

Updating existing product categories

  1. To update a product category, you can navigate to WooCommerce ⇒ Products ⇒ Categories. Hovering over the category name will show some options to edit/update the category.
  2. Select edit for the category you want.
  3. You can change the category banner, or change the category title, or select a parent category.

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