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5 Strategies to Put Your WordPress Site on Top

5 Strategies to Put Your WordPress Site on Top

As one of today’s leading content management systems, WordPress is popular among bloggers, brands of all sizes and businesses in various sectors. To get your site noticed and to the top of search engine rankings, these are some the key strategies that you should employ.

Choose Your Theme Wisely

The design of your site is the first thing that visitors will notice, so it is important that you invest in a great template or theme that is not only pleasing to the eye but also ensures a great user experience. To choose the right theme for your site, there are several factors that you should consider.

Create Quality Content

Consumers prefer to learn about a company or brand through custom content rather than advertisements. It is therefore, important for your site to publish valuable content that serves to educate your visitors rather than sell to them.

The success of Mint, a hugely popular personal finance app, illustrates just how important it is for a company to develop unique and valuable content to attract business. In its first two years, the company acquired over 1.5 million users thanks to its personal finance blog, which hosted a wide range of articles that addressed the needs of young professionals (the target audience for the app). Its blog content, which included infographics and in-depth financial advice, became popular on social networking sites and news feeds such as Reddit and Digg.

Without any advertising, Mint’s blog was able to establish the brand as a reliable advisor. When the app was launched, there was already an audience of millions who trusted the brand and were eager to download its product.

The better quality of content you post, the more enthusiastic response from your readers. If you produce unique content that is useful for your target audience, you can expect them to promote your brand by word-of-mouth – similar to the way in which Mint engaged its readers.

With content marketing leaders seeing nearly 8 times more traffic compared to followers, it is important for your blog to feature plenty of unique content regularly. Be sure to use a wide variety of content to give your audience different options. Reviews, videos, news, infographics, industry commentary and tutorials are just a few ways you can engage your visitors.

Post Frequently and at Optimal Times

The more often post on your site, the more traffic you’ll receive. Companies who published 16 or more blog posts per month receive over three times more traffic than sites that post just once weekly or less. Therefore, it is ideal to ensure that your WordPress site is updated at least four times a week.

When it comes to posting links to your content on social media, it is important that your posts go live when your target audience is most likely to read them. These are the optimal times for posting on various social networks to ensure engagement among your blog’s audience:

Use WordPress SEO Plugins

One of the major benefits of using WordPress as a content management system is that it can be used in conjunction with various plugins aimed at improving your search engine rankings. There are plenty of WordPress plugins geared at improving your on-page content and back-end operations in order to help you rank higher on Google:

Improve Your Cybersecurity Practices

Website owners cannot ignore the important impact that cybersecurity has on their search engine rankings, reputation and conversion rates. Displaying security indicators on your site and employing strict online security measures when maintaining your site lets your audience know that they can trust your brand. Only 11 percent of internet users will visit a site again after receiving a security warning, so it is important that you prioritize the safety of your visitors.

Getting your WordPress site noticed and thriving can be a long process, but it’s worth the hard work. By improving your site’s security, content and design, you can establish a wide-reaching online presence for your brand.

Author Bio – Faith is a WordPress user, online blogger and cybersecurity specialist. She has a passion for web design and development, and wants to let webmasters in on her strategies for creating quality WordPress sites.

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