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7 Things To consider while choosing an Events Theme for WordPress

Choosing an events wordpress theme

Creating an events websites is easy with the WordPress themes, but choosing a WordPress theme from the brilliant options available, is not always as easy.

So you have been browsing for Events theme for a while, but couldn’t decide on what will work the best for you?

Then here are the 7 things that you should consider while choosing a theme for your WordPress based events website:

Design of your theme

It is true that the essence of your website is the content. Good content is the king, but the design of your website – is not less important. How you present the content on your site, makes a big difference.

Therefore, the design of your website plays an important role, choose it wisely. Make sure that the design you choose fits your requirements.

The problem is no ideal recommendation for the design of your website. For different websites, with different features and purposes, different designs work.

What may work for a simple event website for a single event, may not work for an events directory website.

So how to choose a theme/design for your event website?

First of all, create a blueprint of how you want your website to look. Either in your mind, or on a notepad (recommended).

Of course its difficult to find a WordPress theme design that perfectly fits your requirements, but you can instead look for a theme that is flexible enough to let you re position the design elements to create a website of your imagination.

Events Calendar

If you are creating a website with multiple events, an Events calendar will help you in multiple ways:

Events calendar lets your visitors easily find the events. If you are an artist or performer, or event organizer managing an events website, your visitors will quickly find the events on your site with the help of an events calendar.

There are many WordPress themes that come with event calendars inbuilt. These themes are great for you to give your website a quick start. On the other hand, if your events theme for WordPress does not come with an inbuilt events calendar, than you can rely on external WordPress plugins for Events Calendar

Customization possibilities

No shoe fits all, right?

This is why there is no fixed best template for events website. Different things work for different people.

In simple words, I want an events website that has a full screen header. But someone else might not care about a full screen header, but wants a page with sidebar.

Therefore, customization is the key. The theme should come with the ability to easily change the things you want to  change about it.

Before you buy an events template, read the sales page carefully. If the details you are looking for is not mentioned in the sales page – you can contact the pre-sales support or use the contact form of the theme provider’s website to extract the information you need.

Flexibility of the Theme

When you start creating your website with a theme/template, you will need to make many changes to make it look and work the way you want. So the flexibility of the theme should be your concern when looking for a WordPress Events theme.

According to your requirements, you can define what features you want your theme to have. If you want to create a website with many major changes, you must look for a theme with maximum flexibility in terms of features.

However, if you are looking for a simpler solution and don’t desire to change many things, you can go for a theme that is less flexible and simple.

Monetization support

At one point, you might want to start accepting payments through your website. For this, your events WordPress theme should have features to make it possible.

The most basic method to earn through your website is by displaying advertisements. If that is your main intention, you must look for a theme with advertisement spaces, as well as Google AdSense support.

Next, you can get an events directory theme that lets you earn through front end submission to make money online.

Front end submission module

If you are creating an events portal, you will need a front end submission module to accept event listings through a submission form.

There are themes that come with a static submission form for submitting events, while there are others that let you manage the custom fields on your submission form.

You can choose the one with custom fields if you want more flexibility on what information is submitted regarding an event.

Moreover, there should also be features to support the payment processing on your site. If you want to accept payment online, make sure your event theme comes with, or supports the integration of the required payment gateway.

A user guide and support

Even if you are a WordPress expert, you might sometimes need assistance while setting up your site with the third party WordPress theme provider.

Make sure that the theme you choose comes with active support for at least 6 months. The theme should also include a well documented user guide to help you with the installation as well as customization and feature use instructions.

Ready to get a theme?

Have a look at this list of the Best WordPress events theme for your next project.


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