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5 Ways To Make Money With Classified Directory Website

Monetize your online classified directory

Want to make money with Classified website? Here are the top 5 ways to quickly monetize your online classified directory.

With the available technologies, creating a classifieds website is not difficult. All you need to do is research and choose a proper platform to create your online classified directory.

Once you have your platform decided to create a classified directory website, there are so many resources on the internet that can help you.

In our theme store, you will find the Classified WordPress theme, to let you create beautiful Classified directory with WordPress.

However, creating a website is easy, difficult is to sustain it. It takes time, money and efforts to keep your classified directory going. So you might want some returns from your website.

Here are the top 5 ways for you to make money with Classified website:

1) Paid Classified Advertisement Submission

This is perhaps the most common way to make money through your classified directory. Your classifieds website is nothing but an online listing directory with classifieds posts.

The audience of your classified website can be classified into two groups: The people looking for classified listings, the people wanting to post their classified listing.

For the people wanting to post on your website, you can create different pricing packages and ask them to pay &  advertise on your website.

Paid classified listing submissions not just helps you make money, but also adds to the useful content on your website. Therefore, increased  value of your site and more searchable content for your users.

2) Sponsored Posts/Guest Post

If you run successful blogs along with classified directory, you can allow paid/sponsored posts  on your website. These posts can be sponsored reviews, a post explaining how to use a product, etc.

If your classified website has enough traffic, people would surely want to post their content on your site. Paid review and sponsored posts are one of the most common and easiest ways to make money  through your classified website.

3) Google AdSense & Other Advertisement Networks

You can display static sponsored advertisement banners on your website. You can strategically place an ad space within the design of your page and use it to display sponsored advertisements or use ad networks such as Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is so easy to use and integrate into your website. It helps you convert your traffic and generate passive income through any kind of website.

However, if you decide to display advertisement banners to earn through your site, make sure that it doesn’t adversely effect the user experience on your site. Check that the design is not disrupted because of the advertisements. Also, the advertisement banners should not overshadow the content of your site.

4) Featured Classifieds listings

The concept is simple. Everyone can use the classified directory to post their classified advertisement. But sometime you would want to highlight your listing on the website for extra attention.

These are the featured classified listings. These listings are highlighted and appear before any other listings. The listing is featured on the homepage as well as the category page- among the listings of same categories.

For featuring the listing on your website, you can charge more. The featured listings are generally highlighted/featured for a short duration. So for the featured classified listing on your website – you can set a price and decide the duration to be featured.

5) Extra charges for extra details

On an advanced level, you can charge the classifieds listing owners to pay more for adding extra details to their listing on your online classifieds website.

However, as mentioned above, this is an advanced level technique. It requires field level control on your website to make this possible.

With field monetization technique, you can even allow listing submission for free, but those classified owners who want to display an extra field called “contact details” will have to pay for submitting the value for that field.

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Wrap Up

Depending upon the area of your classified business, your primary niches, etc, different techniques may yield different results for you.

Ultimately, the target should be traffic on your site. Once you start getting users on your website – there are many things you can do with them.

Read this article on how to promote directory website and bring traffic to your site.

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