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7 Ways To Monetize Your Events Website

Make money through events website

How will you monetize your events website? Here are the top 7 ways that can work for you!

Your events website will need efforts and time to maintain and manage, and therefore, you would like to have something in return for the efforts you put in.

Any type of events website can help you build an online business identity, but you can get more from it.

In this quick post, are mentioned top 7 techniques to make money through your events website.

Sell advertisement spaces

The simplest one – charge money to display advertisements on your website. This is the very basic way to monetize almost any kind of website (including your event websites.)

Obviously, how and what you want to charge for displaying advertisement banners on your website is totally up to you. You can decide different pricing policies for different sections of your website.

For example: The advertisement banner on the header of your website is the most expensive one because it quickly attracts visitor’s attention. Similarly, for those looking for advertising with a tight budget – you can offer an advertisement space above the footer or in the sidebar.

The best businesses to sell the advertising space on your events website are:  events crafts supply, event venues, events, & other entertainment based niches.

Ultimately, it is your website and you are free to form your own rules for advertising on it, including what advertisements to show, and how much to charge for it.

Google AdSense & Other Ad Networks

Using advertisement networks like Google AdSense or others is also one of the easiest ways to earn profit through your website at the initial stage.

However, these programs won’t help you much if you don’t have good traffic on your website. So it is recommended to make efforts to properly promote your events website to bring enough traffic.

These services pay you on per click or per impression basis. Read this complete guide on how to monetize your website with Google AdSense.

eCommerce: Sell Online

Another way to achieve financial benefits through your events website is by starting an eCommerce section on your website. On your WordPress based eCommerce websites, you can easily setup an online store using WooCommerce.

This eCommerce store can be used to sell physical as well as digital goods. WooCommerce can also be used to integrate other eCommerce features into your site.

To make money through your eCommerce website, you can start selling event supplies like event decoration items, event tickets, downloadable as well as paperback books, gift articles, etc.

WooCommerce is free and using it to sell through your WordPress website is very simple and easy. So, you can effortlessly monetize your events website though eCommerce.

Sell Tickets on your Events Website

When it comes to events website, one additional alternative to make you money is ticket selling.

To start selling tickets on your events website, you can integrate WooCommerce and add tickets as a downloadable item, or use special plugins like Ticket tailor to sell tickets online.

When you are publishing events from different organizers on your website, you can allow them to sell tickets to their events on your website & charging them some commission on sales.

This will not just help you make money, but also increase the utility of your website by allowing the visitors to buy ticket online through your site.

Paid Event Listing submission

If managing an events portal or an events directory, you can earn by allowing paid event listings on your website.

To do so, you can choose a WordPress theme with the front end event listing submission feature. You can even integrate an events calendar plugin in your WordPress website to integrate this feature.

To earn through front end listing submission, you can create different pricing packages and let the visitors pay through an included payment processing system. The visitors can submit the event through an online form which will be later published as an event listing on your website.

The organizers would want to post their events on your website as it will give them opportunity to be found by the even goes looking for events to attend on your events website.

Sponsored content

This technique to make money through your WordPress website will only work when you have a good reader base. In this case, you can allow new business to promote on your website by posting content on your website.

The sponsored content can be text, videos, animations, graphics, etc. So you can help the interested businesses to post content on your website in exchange of links or at a fixed price.

You can even start a blog related to events for some content marketing benefits.

Offer Other Services

Besides every monetization, you can use your website with a reader base to promote your other services.

You can create separate service page on your website, or host special landing pages on your events website. Therefore, you can use the existing traffic to promote other services on your events site.

Also read: What are the different types of event websites you can create with WordPress?

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