Assuming you already have Directory installed, Location Manager should be installed as well, here is various cases on the effect of location manager on your themes and plugin.
Here are some basic questions-answer you should know before you commit to using it because you might not aware of the effect of this plugin.

Q1: Why we can’t enable country functionality ??

By activating location manager on Directory only cities functionality is interactive. In other words, you can’t “visit” a specific country or state, just cities within those countries and states.

Q2: Why listing is not displaying ???

Cities are essentially listing filters. As in listings added from one city won’t display in the other one.

Q3: Why page is taking more time to load???

Location Manager increases page load times because all content must be constantly filtered by cities as well as other parameters.

Q4: Is it possible to change the country >> state >> city hierarchy???

It’s not easy, but yes, it’s possible. For example, let’s imagine you want to change the hierarchy levels to city ⇨ neighborhood. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Inside the “City selector levels” option select “One Country”.
  2. Go to Manage Locations >> States (tab) and add your city as a state. For example, create a new state called “Los Angeles”.
  3. Go to Manage Locations >> Cities (tab) and add your neighborhood as a city. Instead of entering the city name as “Los Angeles”, instead enter “Beverly Hills”. Adjust the pin on the map if necessary.
  4. Open the en_US.po language file (click here for a tutorial).
  5. Translate all necessary instances of the word “state” into “city”.
  6. Translate all necessary instances of the word “city” into “neighborhood”.

If you did everything correctly you should now have a two-level hierarchy with cities and neighborhoods.

Q5: Is it possible to track location???

Directory an IP tracker built-in that allows your theme to pinpoint the visitor’s location. The “Location Tracking Method” option allows you define the service that will be used for this.

Q6: What happened when visitors come to your site???

You can Choose from following options.

Default city – displays your default city. You can set the default city from the Cities tab.
Ask to show nearest city – upon arrival visitors will see a strip at the top asking them to share their location.
Nearest city – visitors will be taken to the city nearest to them without the ability to stop the process.

Q7: Is it possible to activate location manager for particular post type???

The multi-city functionality will only be active for post types selected here. If you want blog posts to show inside all cities don’t check the “Post” box.

Note: New post types that you create and those enabled by add-ons (e.g. Events or Properties) won’t be automatically selected here. You will have to enable location management for them manually.

Q8: Is it possible to track city visits???

Enable this if you want to see how visits are distributed across your cities. City log information is available from Tevolution >> Manage Locations >> City Logs (tab).

Q9: Why single city map is disappeared?

The “multi city” variant will display when Location Manager plugin is enabled and “single city” variant will display when it’s inactive.

Q10: Why aren’t my listings showing up inside the homepage map?

Here are the most common reasons (and solutions) to this problem:

  1. You haven’t selected any categories to show for that city (fix it by editing the city inside Tevolution >> Manage Locations ⇨ Cities).
  2. The listing you submitted (are looking for) doesn’t have a city assigned to it. Edit the listing and assign the city.
  3. You’re looking inside the wrong city, i.e. not the city you assigned the listing to. Change the active city from the city selector in the top left corner.
  4. You already have over 400 listings on the map. To reduce load times Directory will display only 400 listings on the map. To display all available listings open the wp-content/ plugins/ Tevolution-LocationManager/ functions/ google_map_widget.php file and locate this code around line 239.

    Replace it with

  5. The wrong widget is entered inside the “Homepage Banner” area. The widget you should use is T – Homepage Map (either multi-city or single-city). Map widgets such as T – Category Page Map, T – Detail Page Map or T – Google Map Location should not be used for this purpose.
  6. The address field contains an empty space at the end. This can happen when pasting address from another source. To resolve the problem edit the listings address and remove the extra space.

Q11: How can I change map categories???

Just like the actual map, map categories are also assigned while creating/editing the city. Head over to Tevolution >> Manage Locations ⇨ Cities and edit a city (or create a new one). To make sure your categories are displayed make sure to make a selection inside the “Post Type” and “Categories” field.

Q11: How to hide the city selector?

If you want to use Directory with multiple cities, but don’t want to display the header city selector, just enter the following code to Appearance ⇨ Custom CSS Editor.

body .toggle_handler {
display: none;
#show_togglebox-button #show_togglebox_wrap {
display: none;

Q12: Can I use Global Location Plugin without Location Manager plugin?

No, It is not posssible.

Q13: Is it possible to disable city functionality and display listings from all the cities added on site.??

Yes, This is possible by activating Global Location Plugin on website.

What will these options do?

  • Show Global Location – Enabling this option will add a new link named Global Location in your city Selector, once you click on that link city-wise filtering will be disabled and you will be able to see listings from all the cities you have added on your site.
  • Set this global location as default city – Enable this option if you want to show your home page with this Global Location selected(listings from all the cities) to the first time visitor of your website.

Q14: How to set the Location focus?

This can be managed from Tevolution >> Manage Locations >> Locations >> Homepage displays. There are three options available for this :

Default city : This will show the listings of the default city selected by you to your users. You can set the default city by navigating to Tevolution >> Manage Locations >> Cities >> hovering over the city name and selecting the “Set Default”.

Ask to show nearest city : Asks visitors to share their location and if they agree, they are shown their nearest city. If visitor doesnt share location, listings from the default city will be displayed.

Nearest city : Show listings from the city nearest to the visitors without asking to share their location. Note: Your cities must have atleast one listing added to get tracked as nearest city in front end.

Q15: Is it possible to show location-specific ads?

Yes, It is possible by activating AdManager Plugin and activating it for location manager.’

Q16. Why site goes blank after activating Location manager plugin???

Increase the memory limit in wp-config.php as

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');

If still doesn’t work contact your host to increase the memory limit from php.ini

More questions? Contact us and we’ll help you out.