Generally images add lot to your post & if it is not getting displayed then it does affect your post but also spoil the look of your site. So, if you are facing such problem then for sure somewhere something is wrong! Let’s find out where,

[templ_msg_box type=”error”] Before going through this article make sure that you have added images to your Media Gallery

If you have added images to your media gallery & still images are not visible on front end respective page, then here are few tips to make it work appropriately.

There are certain ways to check out such an issue by following some simple steps as mentioned here.

 “Folder_name/year/month/image-name” refers to your particular folder in your active WordPress folder. For Example 2012/10/image_name.jpg 

Step 1
      • On occurrence of this issue, go to your category (listing) or detailed page (where the problem persists) at front end.
      • Right click keeping the mouse pointer on the image place & select the “Inspect element” from the appeared menu (context menu), you can use a Firebug tool for that!
      • See the image path getting displayed there to get an idea that where your uploaded images are getting stored. either you will be having your image folder at wp-content/uploads/year/month/image_name OR wp-content/uploads/image_name


Click on image to view it large

Step 2

If your images are getting stored in 'wp-content/year/month/image_name' folder then

First of all check out in your folder directory that do you really have this folder there?

(a) If No

      • As you don’t have it, so create this folder & upload your images there (Can repeat the regular WordPress process of uploading the images to the Posts/Custom posts)
      • Save all the changes & refresh your site & see the effect, it must be solved now

(b) If Yes

    • Go to Settings > Media
    • Have a look that whether or not the “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders” is checked marked. If it is NOT then it means that your images are getting stored in 'uploads’ folder & not in the folder 'year/month/...
    • So, just check mark it & Save the changes & upload your images once again (Try adding single image first, if it works then you can carry on)
Step 3

Even after following above said things, if the problem still persists then,

  • Go to that particular image folder either uploads OR year/month/... using FTP
  • Right click to the main folder (E:g – 'uploads' or 'year' ) & select the ‘File permissions’ from the appeared menu & assign ‘755’ permission there & save the changes
  • Refresh your site and see the effect, it must be working properly now.

Any Queries? Contact us and we’ll help you out.