There are many users who are attracted to use our Directory Site as they want to migrate their site to our Directory but the question is how they can do that ?

Here I going to provide some information as how you can Migrate your WordPress site to Directory theme

Migrate data from Realestate to Realestate Directory theme

Realestate Directory seems quite similar to Realestate at first glance but actually it is way different in terms of functions, features and most importantly way of handling the functions. So, you cannot have everything in Realestate Directory site that you had in your Realestate and neither you can run this theme on your Realestate site. You need an another site to use Realestate Directory theme.

The only thing that can be done is DATA migration. That is, with some steps as mentioned below, you can migrate your Realestate theme data to the Realestate Directory theme. The data migration includes the default post type “Property” in it.

Please follow the link here a sto know more information on Migrating the site to Realestate to Realestate Directory theme

Migrate data from GeoPlaces and Nightlife to Directory theme

Directory seems quite similar to GeoPlaces at first glance but actually it is way different in terms of functions, features and most importantly way of handling the functions. So, you cannot have everything in Directory site that you had in your GeoPlaces and neither you can run this theme on your GeoPlaces site. You need an another site to use Directory theme.

The only thing that can be done is DATA migration. That is, with some steps as mentioned below, you can migrate your GeoPlaces data to the Directory theme. The data migration includes the default post type “Places” in it. If you want to import your GeoPlaces events as well then you must have Tevolution Events plugin purchased and activated at your site.

Please follow the link here a sto know more information on Migrating the site to Migrate data from GeoPlaces and Nightlife to Directory theme

Migrate data from third party theme to Directory theme.

If you are a non Directory theme user or a non templatic member you just have to become a member and purchase the Directory theme for your site and with that said you just have to follow the same steps as to import the data from the third party theme to your site using the CSV .

Here there are many users who ask a frequent question that is non WordPress theme can be compatible with the Directory themes and Plugins ?

The answer is as it generally depends upon the data that is stored on the site. The data related to the Post Type availability and relevant city information on the site.

NOTE : The third party non wordpress theme will not work with the Directory theme

Please feel free to contact us relevant to the issue/queries that you are facing with the site migration