Apart from the advertisement locations that plugin provides you, if you want to add some more location(s) then you can do with extending the code. Here is few examples,

1) Before footer on blog listing page

Create a function call on “add_theme_category_locations” filter using “add_filter” in your themes or plugins main functions file (generally functions.php) know more about WordPress add_filter. Here is an example showing you how to add the code using add_filter function,

       function category_page_callback($category_locations){
              $category_locations['listing'] = array(
                                                                         "before_footer" => 'Before Footer
               return $category_locations;

In the above code, function “category_page_callback” has a parameter “$category_locations” that contains default and other locations in array. You  have to pass your  location(s) to that an array in array format. Like “listing” in $category_locations array is the post type slug, in which post type you want to display this location.


2) Display advertisement before footer on blog detail page

Create a function call on “add_theme_detail_locations” filter using “add_filter” in your themes or plugins main functions file(generally functions.php) know more about WordPress add_filter. The example code goes here,

function detail_page_callback($detail_locations){
$detail_locations['listing'] = array(
"before_footer" => 'Before Footer
return $detail_locations;

In the above code, function “detail_page_callback” has a parameter “$detail_locations” that contains default and other locations in array. You have to pass your location to that array in an array format. Like “listing” in $detail_locations array is the post type slug in which post type you want to display this location.