Breadcrumbs are a navigation strip that is visible on every page describing from where you have navigated & at which page you are right now. There are certain Hooks that affect this breadcrumb area, lets find out which one & how can you tweak them according to your requirement.


1) To show Breadcrumbs above the content

Action Hooks  –  templ_before_container_breadcrumb

Folder Location – wp-content > plugins > Tevolution > templates

File Location – Single-tevolution.php, archive-tevolution.php, taxonomy-tevolution.php , taxonomy-tevolution-tag.php


Add_action('templ_before_container_breadcrumb','tmpl _brd_crumb');

Function  tmpl _brd_crumb(){

if ( current_theme_supports( ‘breadcrumb-trai” ) && !is_home())

breadcrumb_trail( array( ‘separator’ => ‘ : ‘ ) );


2) To show Breadcrumbs inside the content

Action Hooks  –  templ_inside_container_breadcrumb

Folder Location – wp-content > plugins > Tevolution > templates

File Location  –  Single-tevolution.php, archive-tevolution.php, taxonomy-tevolution.php , taxonomy-tevolution-tag.php

We have specified the name of the Hooks & their file location from where you can modify them. However, you need to add your respective PHP code to make it work like you want