1. Installation:

First of all, please check that you have the following 3 plugins installed on your site:

WPML String Translation

WPML Translation Management

Sitepress Multilingual CMS

Once you have installed the above plugins, follow the WPML steps mentioned in to the guide below to complete the installation:



  1. Basic Setup:

After doing so, go to WP-admin >> Theme and Plugins localization and choose ” Translate the theme and plugins using WPML’s String Translation” option and save.

Select Translate the theme and plugins using WPML’s String Translation, to manage translating texts from theme/plugin template files via WPML’s String Translation admin screen.

With this option selected, WPML will scan the theme and find the texts that can be translated. It reports what it finds and let you enter translations, right from within WordPress.

Refer to the below attached link for how to scan the themes and plugins:


Once you done with this, go to WP-admin >> Translation Management >> Multilingual Content Setup >> Custom fields translation >> Translate >> Enable the radio buttons and save.

  1. Translate Booking Form:

You can translate the Booking Form page title from theme backend by clicking on plus (+) sign. For translating other sections of the booking form, continue reading below:

3.1 Translate “Review booking cost” section

For translating this section, go to WP-admin >> WPML >> String Translation >> search for the string using “Search for” box >> Translate the string >> Enable the option “Translation is complete” >> Save. That’s it!

See the below attached screenshot for more clarification:

Same as you can translate remaining strings showing under the section “Review Booking Cost”.


3.2 Translate “Booking Information” & “Address Information” sections

You can translate the custom fields showing under the “Booking Information” and “Address Information” sections from WP-admin >> Tevolution >> Custom Fields.

Here, click on the plus (+) sign, you will redirect to the add a new field page. Enable the post type, select the categories and change the Label of the field to translate the field.

Same as you can translate other custom fields too.

Once you will translate all the custom fields, it will show you translated custom fields in the theme backend and front end in the related language of the site.

Note: Please do not change the “Unique variable name” of the custom field. It should be same as original language’s custom field.

3.3 Translate “Payment Gateway”

This process is also the same as translating the “Review Booking Cost” section. You can translate these strings from string translation section (WP-admin >> WPML >> String Translation).


  1. Translate Translate Rooms, Houses, Bookings

You can translate Rooms or Houses or Bookings by clicking on the plus (+) sign from the relevant sections.

WP-admin >> Room

WP-admin >> House

WP-admin >> Booking

Note: Same as you can translate posts and pages too from the relevant sections by clicking on plus (+) sign.

4.1 Translate Translate Rooms, Houses, Booking Categories

For translating the Room categories, go to WP-admin >> Room >> Room Categories and edit the category, you will redirect to the edit category page.

From here, click on “Add” link to translate it.

Same as you can translate other post type’s categories too.

Note: Keep slug same as original language’s slug


4.2 Booking Availability

It will automatically update the booking availabilities in all the languages once any user booked the room/house.


  1. Translate widget strings

You can translate the widget strings from WP-admin >> WPML >> String Transaction section.

If you are unable to find any backend string in the string translation section, then go to WPML->String translation and scroll to the bottom of the page. There, click on Translate texts in admin screens.

This screen lets you choose which admin-options need to be translated. You’ll see everything that the theme saves. Search the string, enable the checkbox and click on “Apply” button.

Next, click on the link to go to the String translation page and now the strings would appear on the string translation page.

For more details, please refer to this guide:
