If you are facing issue of new added posts are not getting appeared on the front-end of your site then this article will help you to troubleshoot the things by yourself.
Here I am going to provide some information on this one for your reference.
You should check some of the possibilities of what can cause the post(s) not getting appeared at front-end. Below are the points that you should take care after submission of new listing(s)/event(s):
1) Go to your WP-admin –> Tevolution>> Submission page>> Default status for free submissions/Default status for paid submissions.
–> If you will set that option as Draft then the items will be saved as draft and not will be publiched at front-end immediataely after submission.
–> If you will set this option as Publish then the entries will be published without admin’s approval at the site’s front-end.
2) Take care of the post(s) as they should be live and not expired. However, the expiration of new post depends on the price package selected at the time of submission.
–> Submitters can renew the entries from front-end as well from their own author page by clicking on Renew button.
–> If Admin of the site want to renew it then it can be done by the back-end as well.
3) Another possibility i sthe transaction entry for the individual submission(s). You can check the status of each transaction(s) from your WP-admin –> Tevolution>> Transactions.
–> If the status of transaction is pending then also the relevant post will not be published on the site becasue of the pending payment according to the admi of the site.
–> If its Approved from here, then also check the individual status of the relevant entry from the back-end list to make sure if its not published.
Hope this will help you to troubleshoot the things if your submitted entries not appearing at front-end of thse site.
NOTE : The third party non wordpress theme will not work with the Directory theme. Please feel free to contact us relevant to the issue/queries that you are facing with the site migration