The Directory theme has a comprehensive listing detail page that provides almost all the necessary details about the listing that a visitor might want to know. For any business listed on the directory website would want to have their business logo featured in their listing. Directory theme, allows the listing owner to submit their business logo with a special field in the submission page. On the front end it will be displayed on the listing detail page while viewing the listing.

Importance of the business logo

The business logo is the identity of your business. It is the unique symbol through which the visitors and the customers of the business will recognize the business. Therefore when a listing of your business is created on some website, it is very vital to have the business logo presented well on it. The logo represents the business identity and should be presented properly on the detail page. The listing owners will always want to display their logos in their listings, so that their customer can identify them easily. Therefore, the Directory theme provides this facility.

The business logo is created as a separate field in the Directory. The logo need not be uploaded with other images in the listings. On the front-end too, the logo will have its unique place to be displayed. In the directory WordPress theme the logo is presented right at the beginning of the listing detail page, below the listing title. This means that it will be included in the first few things that the visitors will notice while viewing the listing.


Volkswagen has its business identity associated with its logo. When the listing regarding the showrooms of Volkswagen cars in India, has the logo in the beginning of the listing, it builds trust among the visitors for the information provided.