The category page in the Directory theme is a page where all the listings of a selected category will be listed. This page has options to sort the listings based on certain criteria. You can select the category page sort options you want to allow the users to select from for sorting the results.


The available sort options are:

Alphabetical – The Alphabetical sorting will show alphabets from A to Z. Clicking on the Alphabet will show all the listings whose title starts with the alphabet.
Publish Date Ascending – The Oldest listing will be shown first and the newest will be the last.
Publish Date Descending – The newest listing will be shown first and the oldest will be the last.
Random – The listings will appear randomly.
Rating – The listings with better ratings are shown first. The listings are arranged based on their reviews.
Reviews – The most commented listing will be shown first.
Title Ascending – sorted in title’s ascending order.
Title Descending – sorted in title’s ascending order.
