Create a Global Directory website based on ‘Location search’ using our WordPress Directory theme:


Manage Location:

Directory sites are generally built on the basis of Location it has its Listings in. A Global Directory website works on this Location Specific principle to distribute the site’s Listings in a respective cities. Availing location based features is tricky and difficult, but with Directory theme it’s already integrated. All you’ll need to do is make changes to settings according to your requirements.

Inserting multiple cities:

To enable locations, Directory allows adding maximum number of cities of the world. You can add cities and get them displayed on the homepage drop-down by adding listings to it. Therefore every listing on the website will be associated to a city. This will also help in sorting the listing city-wise.

Pre-loaded Countries and States:

Directory come with 242 countries and 3898 pre-loaded. You can even modify these pre-loaded countries and states or even can add more. Moreover, there are 3 pre-loaded cities for all the dummy Listings. All these can be edited, and new ones can be added.

Design / Customize the appearance:

Appearance of each city page can be customized / designed in a way to look an attractive one including Background image, Header image. The styling of the city selector tab can be altered too with the help of couple of options.

Advancing Search:

Your viewers can use the options like Default city, Ask to show nearest city and Nearest city to search within a particular city. These options will conduct the search in following manners:

Default city: Once this is selected, the user will be able to view all the listings in the city which is a predetermined city of the site.

Ask to show nearest city: This will enable users to view all the listings to the nearest location entered upon being asked.

Nearest City: This will help the users to view all the listings to the nearest city without asking them to share their location.


Distinctive levels to carry out search:

Search can be carried out on the basis of All countries, One specific country and even on the basis of an only cities.

Once you will keep All the countries option selected, it will display 3 level city selector including Country, state, and City and ability to change country.

If you will keep one country option enabled, it will display a 2 level city selector including State and City. This won’t let us change the country.

Lastly, only cities will helps to display a single level city selector excluding State and country.

Tracking visited Cities:

Directory’s Global directory also helps in monitoring the users’ activities in a particular city by tracking it in city logs. This helps in determining the most popular cities on your site.



With the location based, Directory WordPress Theme, you can create a website that allows the users to select the city they’re interested in on the home page itself. Once the user selects the location, all the results are of that particular locations only. This avoids confusion and the visitors won’t have to go through the results they don’t want..