Directory theme allows the users to submit their posts on the website. for this proper submission forms needs to be created. These submission forms comes inbuilt with the theme. But, if you can’t find them, you can create submission form simply by inserting the relevant short code on a page.

The submission form is the form through which the details are accepted from the listing author. To create a comprehensive listing it is vital that the listing data is detailed and organized. With the directory theme, you can easily create the submission form of the relevant post type. This can be done by simply applying a line of short code to the page.

How to use shortcodes to create submission form?

The submission forms are already present at Dashboard >> pages. They are named like submit events, submit deals,etc. However, if the submission form for a particular post type is not present in “pages” you can easily create them by using the shortcodes.

[submit_form post_type=’post_type_name’]

Here the post_type_name is the slug of the post type you want to use.

Events – [submit_form post_type=’event’]
Listings – [submit_form post_type=’listings’]
Jobs – [submit_form post_type=’jobs’]
Deals – [submit_form post_type=’deals’]

These short codes can be inserted on any page, directly or through text widgets and a submission form will be displayed there.


Suppose, By mistake you delete the inbuilt submission form. With the shortcode you can easily create a new submission form for the post type. Suppose, you added a new diretory add-on events to your website and want to allow your users to submit the events. To create a submission form for the events all you need to do is simply insert the short code [submit_form post_type=’events’] to a blank page and name it submit events.

To manage the fields of the submission form, or to create a custom submission form, please refer this article.