It is always good to let the people know what the other users think of your website. Your happy customers will leave pleasant reviews about your website and services. These testimonials can play a very vital role in convincing other your potential customers to use your website.

The Testimonials widget

Believe it or not, but your visitors will trust your customers more than they trust what they see or ! So just let your satisfied customer’s reviews, convince your potential customers.

Displaying the customers reviews on the website helps you build a good impression in the visitor’s mind. This can be done by the testimonials widgets.

How to configure the widget

Title: Set the title of the widget.

Set time out: The time for which a testimonial will be displayed before another replaces it.

Set the Speed: The speed at which the transition occur.

Transition type: This will let you set the transition effect for the testimonials.

Quote text: This is the testimonial text. What the author has said is quoted here.

Author name: The name of the person who submitted the testimonial.

Link text: The text at the right corner, generally a link to testimonial page.

Link URL: The URL to which the link will navigate.

Add more and remove link : Use the add more link to add new testimonial. To remove the last testimonial click the remove link.


Testimonials can be a great encouragement to your potential customers. By reading the testimonials the customers can have an idea about the quality of service you provide and the experience of happy customers will inspire them to register on your website and try business with you.

Testimonials have their role in converting a casual visitor to a customer. People tend to believe what the other users have t