Even though most Templatic themes come with homepage and category page maps, sometimes that’s not enough to display all relevant content. Map shortcodes allow you to generate maps within regular pages.
Multi post type map / Full width map
This map can display listings from any of your post types. It will display all available listings regardless of the current city. To generate the map enter this shortcode:
[tevolution_listings_map post_type="" image="thumbnail" latitude="" longitude="" map_type="" zoom_level=""]
This map also has the ability to display over the whole page. Here’s an example. To activate the full width mode change the page template to “Full Width Map”.
Single post type map
Use this map if you want to focus on just a single post (e.g. listings). The map will display all available listings regardless of the current city. To generate the map enter this shortcode:
[map_page post_type="" image="thumbnail" latitude="" longitude="" map_type="ROADMAP" map_display="ROADMAP" zoom_level="13" height="500"]
Map shortcode options
post_type – define which post types should the map display (e.g. “event,listing”).
image – define which image size should the map use. Keep this set to “thumbnail” unless you know what you’re doing.
latitude and longitude – set the focus point for the map. You can generate those values on this site.
map_type – available values are: ROADMAP, TERRAINMAP, SATELLITEMAP and STREETMAP.
zoom_level – define how big of an area should the map display. The larger the number, the more zoomed in the map is. 12 or 13 is a good zoom level for focusing on a city.