The homepage of the Directory WordPress theme is totally widgetized. All the content of the home page is managed with the help of different widgets. All the widgets that contribute to the homepage have the sorting options through which the displayed content can be sorted.

The main widget that can be used to display the content is the T – Homepage Displays posts.

This widget can be used multiple times with different configurations to display different block of content on the homepage. This widget also allows you to sort the content of the widget. The various sort options allowed are :

Alphabetical : This will show alphabets and you can click on an alphabet to display the listings whose title start with that alphabet.

Only Features : This option will enable you to show all the featured posts. The widget can be used as a widget to show featured posts by selecting this sort option.

Random : This will make the posts appear in random order. No sorting at all.

Higher paid first : This sorting option will show the listings with higher paid price first.

Featured first : The sorting option will show the featured posts first and then will display the non-featured too.

The difference between the featured and featured first sorting option is that, the featured posts will only show the featured ones and not the non-featured.

Reviews/Comments : This will show all the most reviewed and commented posts first.

To know more about the use of this widget, click here.