In cases where paying isn’t possible using our checkout system we will ask you to complete it using PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal account, create it by clicking here. Once the account is ready to be used follow these steps to make a payment:

  • Login to and click on “Send Payment” in the navigation bar.
  • In the “To (email)” field enter [email protected]
  • In the “Amount” field enter the price you were asked to pay. Choose USD as currency.
  • Select “I’m paying for goods or services” under the last question.
  • On the next page find the “Email to recipient” section near the bottom. In the Subject field enter the reason you’re making this transfer (e.g., Purchasing a theme, renewing Club membership, etc). In the Message field provide your Templatic username and email.
  • Hit “Send Money” to finish the process
  • Once the “Send Money” button is clicked you will see a new page with details about the transaction. Find the transaction ID on that page and provide it to the Templatic staff member who instructed you to make this payment (most likely Vedran, Upendra or Vishakha).

If you run into any problems while making this payment please contact our billing department using the contact form (select Billing/Account issue).