Images has a unique effect on the users’ mind. They are eye pleasing and show the actual glimpse of the listing the users’ are searching for. Imagine listings without any image associated with it. Imagine the listing detail page that just has text explanation of the listing . That would be so boring and the users will avoid reading it. Therefore, Directory WordPress website allows to add multiple images while adding a listing into the website. These images will be shown in a beautiful image gallery on the front end on the detail page. Also along with an excerpt from the listing the image of the listing will also be shown on the home page and the category page.

Where can you add the Image gallery?

The images can be added by both front end and the back end. The image upload option allows the users to add multiple images. Select the images you wish to upload and the images will be added to the image gallery.

Where are the gallery images shown on the front-end?

The images you add to the listing will be visible to the users on the front end on the listing detail page as shown in the figure. Clicking the images will open a light-box to display the images of the gallery.

Images play a very vital role in making the user click on a listing. Therefore, along with the excerpt on the category page, an image thumbnail will also be shown on the category page. This image will be the first image uploaded in the gallery . To make a particular image appear as a the thumbnail image, you can set it as the featured image.

image gallery


The site has the listings of all the 5 star hotels in India. The persons coming to this website will not just want to have the information about the hotels in the form of text but also need to view the images of the hotels. With the Directory website, the listing owners can be allowed to upload numerous images of the listings, i.e. Hotels. This will display an image gallery of the listing on detail page and  that the visitor can view to get a glimpse of how the hotel actually looks and decide the preferable option.