The main quality that determines a site’s usability is its ease to navigate through pages and easily reach the desired result. This can be achieved through a proper navigational scheme in the website. The more pages listed in the menu, more easily will they be found by the end users. Therefore Directory WordPress theme comes with a mega menu support that lets you create a large menu with a number of menu items.

For creating a mega menu, you won’t need to make extra configurations or change some setting. The menu will itself organize it and present it as shown in figure when there are number of menus and sub-menus and menu items.
The mega-menu, displays links to many pages of the website, this plays a very important role in letting the user find their desired page very quickly.

mega menu

How to create a mega-menu

There’s no special procedure to be followed to change a menu into a mega menu. It can be made just like you would create a normal navigational menu.
Go to Appearance >> Menus >> and choose the menu you want to edit from the “select a menu to edit” and press “select”.
Start adding menu items and in the hierarchy you want.


Suppose, your website has a section that deal with sales of clothing. Basically, it’s just a part of the directory website that has many other functions and features. But to attract user attention and make them aware of the existence of such feature, you will need to add it to the menu.
you can create a mega menu with submenus like Women’s clothing, Men’s wear, Children wear, Infant’s clothes, etc, with menu items under each sub-menu. This will let the user’s have a glimpse of what your woo-store offers, without a single click. The user’s will be able to navigate directly to the section they’re interested it without visiting the category page.