The main aim of the Directory WordPress theme is to let the owner earn money from it. Therefore it allows the owner to create and manage Price packages as per their requirements.

Any number of Price packages

The WordPress Directory theme The WordPress Directory theme allows you to create as many options as you want. Depending on the business experience and the nature of prospect subscribers, you can decide what options and how many options you want your users’ to have. Create your price packages and configure them as per your plans.

Once the package is subscribed the users can submit their listing on your website. The information regarding their remaining submission will be available in their account’s dashboard.

Easy to create and manage

The price packages are so easy to create. Just click “Add new price package” and enter the desired details to create a price package. Decide the price and set how many submission will each price package allow. If you want to allow the users to submit their listing free, than you can create a price package and configure it with price 0. If you wish to make a change in any of your price packages, you can edit them anytime.


Where do they appear on front end?

The packages you create will appear when the user is submitting his listing. If there are more than one price packages, the user will be allowed to choose and pay for the one he likes.

price packages at front end
Businesses always are looking for platforms to promote their business. If you are running a directory website where many of the listings are already submitted, the business owners may realize that it is a good stage to get their business advertised. You can charge such businesses to get listed on your website.

Directory allows you to create numerous price packages. This lets the user choose the one that suits them best. They’ll choose the one they want, pay and start submitting their listing. This way the businesses get themselves promoted, your website gets new listings, you earn revenue, and your users gets more information.


Free price package in Directory WordPress theme

The Directory WordPress theme, lets us create price package as a provision to manage the monetization schemes for the users. The users can select from these packages, according to their needs. But, what if you want your users to submit their listings without paying anything? For this you can create a “Free Price package”. So, while submitting their listings when the users are asked to select the payment packages, they can select the free one.

How to create a Free price package

To create a free price package, just enter 0 as price. Also, set a name for the package that suggests that the package is free.

free price package

On selecting this price package, the user won’t be asked to proceed for payment and will be allowed to directly submit his listing on the site.

Uses of Free Price Package

The free payment package allowing the users to submit their listings without paying anything can also be a great help to the websites that focus on content and want more and more new listings for their website.

There are certain websites that depend solely on advertising to earn revenue. In this case, more listings will fetch more audience and therefore they’ll allow free packages so that the users submit their listings freely.

This can be used at the initial stage of developing your directory website when you want more and more users to contribute to the content of your website by submitting their listings. This initial free user-submitted listings, will work as an initiation for the content-base of the website.

Once you realize that your website has reached to a point where you can start monetizing it. You can delete this package or reconfigure it in order to charge the users for their submission.

To know more about the price packages click here.