The social media plays a very important role in promoting your website. Therefore, in the Directory WordPress theme there is a widget called T – Social Media,which will let you have the links of your social media account in the website. The most common location for placing the widget is in the footer or sidebars.

How to configure the widget?

To configure and use the widget navigate to Appearance >> Widgets. Drag and drop the T – Social Media widget to the required widget area. Fill up the following details to get the widget working.

Title –  The title of the widget.

Description –  A few words to describe the widget.

Social Link –  Link to the social media account.

Social Icon –  Icon to be displayed for the social media.

Social Text – Text explanation.

Add more link – The add more link will add a new section with Social link, Social Icon and Social text to configure a social icon.

Remove link  – Remove the last added social icon.

To get your social icons working like the ones in the Directory demo footer enter links to your social account within the “Social Link” field, leave the “Social Icon” field empty and insert the following codes inside the “Social Text” field:

  • <i class=”fa fa-facebook”></i>Find us on Facebook
  • <i class=”fa fa-twitter”></i>Follow us on Twitter
  • <i class=”fa fa-youtube”></i>Find us on Youtube
  • <i class=”fa fa-linkedin”></i>Connect with us On Linked In
  • <i class=”fa fa-google-plus”></i>Find us on Google+
  • <i class=”fa fa-pinterest”></i>Find us on Pinterest


Consider a an events website always updated with the latest events. A user is impressed by the content of the website and wants to like the event website on social network. This way he can maintain contact with the website and get the updates through his social network too. This is possible with the help of T – Social media widget.