As far as we have observed till now, many users getting trouble and confusion in creating their own CSV file for bulk upload feature for their Directory site(s). I would like to put more lights on this topic for further reference.
I am going to provide you more details about the individual columns that are being used within the CSV file for Directory theme, So that you can have brief idea for each of them.
In this tutorial we are going to highlight the columns and their values, so you can get the detailed idea on the process of “Bulk Import feature for listings“
- templatic_post_author: This is the User ID, the number that you can see by hovering into the user(s) in the dashboard like this :
Here 2 is an example for your reference only!
- templatic_post_date : This field refers to the published date. You can surely keep any previous date or current date, but if you place any future date then the particular post will goes into the scheduled status.
- templatic_post_title : As we all can get that it shows a title of any particular post(s)/listing(s) OR any post type you will upload on your site by bulk upload feature.
- templatic_post_category : Its clearly saying a column for categories that you want to add, but let me clear you that you will need to make the category as child from the back end manually if you want to have child categories and then you just can simply mention the names of those categories within this column of your CSV file.
- templatic_img : If you have multiple images in the post gallery then in templatic_img column, you should mention multiple image names separated by ”semicolon“(“;”). All the images that have mentioned in CSV must be uploaded to uploads/bulk folder first. Then you can upload the CSV
- templatic_post_tags : This one is similar to the WordPress tags itself and you can get more idea about the same from here :
- templatic_post_content : This is simply a description of any particular post(s) as well. You can add the content that you want to show as description of that particular post(s)/listing(s) on your site.
- templatic_post_excerpt : This will show an excerpt as well instead of content if you want to show short excerpt. Please note that it will work with this option of back end settings given at your: WP-admin à Appearance >> Theme Settings> > Category Page Settings (check “Show Post excerpt instead of full text” then fill in Excerpt Length.
- templatic_post_status : It shows the actual status of that particular post(s)/listing(s) where you can set the status as “Published/Draft/Trash” according to your needs. See below linked WordPress tutorial for more details on post status as well :
- templatic_post_name : It’s basically a SLUG, its not mandatory and it’ll create a slug using the post name itself automatically if you will not put any value under this column.
- templatic_post_type : You just need to mention the name of post type here like listing/event OR whatever the post type you are going to import through the CSV file(s).
- templatic_post_comment_count : Its actually being used for exporting feature only and not for importing as it shows how many comments done for individual post(s) of your site.
- templatic_comments_data : You can mention the comments here by separating them with the TILD (~) sign. Also, you should try exporting the listings from bulk upload to take a look for the correct format. You can have a better idea about this one by exporting CSV for the listing in which the comments are added already.
- Video : You need to mention the embed code here, for example: <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>. You can even try by mentioning URLs only!
- listing_logo : Here you have decided to enter the absolute web address like this : … c-logo.jpg.
You can also use the following method.
- Created a folder in WordPress (using a plugin, Media File Manager) called “Iconos” and upload there your logo images
- Despite of putting the title of the image on the listing_logo column in the csv file, then put the URL of that specific logo
- It should work!
- alive_days : The relevant post(s) will be published for number of days i.e mentioned in this column. After that also it depends on the settings itself, you can see the relevant settings given at your WP-admin –> Tevolution>> General Settings>> Submission page settings>> Default status for expired listings.
Most of the time we got a query about this feature like how many listings can I upload together (in the Bulk upload CSV file) :
There is no limitation and we have not defined any such limit for uploading entries, for your information it depends on the PHP Memory of your WordPress configuration too. If you want to increase the limit of entries within a single CSV file up to 50k OR 1 lac then also it can be possible but with respect to this you will also need to increase the PHP memory limit of your WordPress configuration as well! You can get the detailed idea about this one from below linked URL : … ted_to_PHP
Please refer to the “listing_sample.csv” file located on path wp-content/ plugins/ Tevolution-Directory/ functions/ folder.
In the featured_type column, add the following values according to your requirement along with other details
- Featured on homepage: h
- Featured on category page: c
- Featured on both: b
- Featured on none: n