The advanced search page template is basically useful if we want to provide multiple search criteria for the front end visitors. We can provide those search options in the form of certain custom fields which can be created from wp-admin >> Tevolution >> Custom fields module.
- Apart from some of the default custom fields, we can also add additional custom fields as per the current site requirement.
- Now in order to create advanced search page, Go to your wp-admin >> Pages >> Create a new page along with the appropriate title. You can also add description text.
- Choose Template as “Advanced search” from the page attribute shown at the sidebar container.
- Save all the changes.
- Now go to your wp-admin >>Appearance >> Widgets >> Drag a widget “T → Advanced Search” to the “Advance Search Content ” widget area and choose your required post type.
- We can insert multiple custom fields along with the appropriate field type for that widget setting.
- See the screenshot below:
So, basically in the Advanced Searchwidget you can build your search form according to your requirement by adding or removing fields in the form.