1. What if you are not seeing some of the taxonomy options at your menu settings column shown at the left sidebar panel.

While configuring a WordPress custom menu using wp-admin >> Appearance >> Menus section and in case if the system is not populating some of the additional taxonomy options, make sure that you have already checked those meta boxes from the screen option shown at the top left.

2. What is your front end submission form is not populating certain custom fields.

If you are come up with any issue with submission form, All we have to check the settings of Tevolution custom fields because submission form is entirely associated with the custom field module.

If you are not seeing any custom fields over the submission form, Go through your wp-admin >> Tevolution >> Custom fields >> Edit those individual custom field which are currently not populating over the front end,  Now From the “Display Options” make sure that you have already checked the option that says ” Submission form (field will show on editing screen regardless) “.

Make sure that you have already selected appropriate post types and their respective categories from those custom fields’ settings.

Also if you have activated a plugin called “Tevolution-FieldsMonetization” along with the existing directory configuration, Go through your wp-admin >> Tevolution >> Monetization >> Edit those existing price packages >> Make sure that you have selected those custom fields and categories.

3. If we need to increase number of posts to be shown on individual category pages.

With the initial directory setup, Category pages are populating only 5 posts, If you wish to increase this numbers, Go through your wp-admin >> Settings >> Reading settings >> Input the value for the field that says “Blog pages show at most” field.

4. What if the home page multicity map widget is not populating any post type and categories.

Sometimes if we are not seeing any categories and post type over the home page map, Go to the wp-admin >> Tevolution >> Manage Locations >> Cities tab >> Edit your existing cities and make sure that you have already selected those post types and their respective categories.

And for the single city map, you can check those cities and post types from the widget “T → Homepage Map – Single city” placed at any of your active widget area.

5. What if your imported cities are not populating at the header city selector region.

If We have successfully imported some of the cities using the bulk import/export plugin but those cities are not populating at header city selector or T->City Dropdown widget, then we have to assign certain listing/event post to those existing cities.  if those cities are empty or we can say if they are not holding any posts, then they will not be populate over the front end.

6. What if you are not seeing Multy city custom field for the submission page of any post type.

First of all,  Please go through your wp-admin >> Tevolution >> Custom fields >> Edit one of your existing custom field named as “Multi City” (holding an html variable name as post_city_id) and make sure that the custom field is already active and you have checked those post type along with their associated categories.

Now go to your wp-admin >> Tevolution >> Manage Locations >> Check that post type for the option “Activate location management for”

7. How to remove login/registration links from the Primary menu location at header.

You can remove those registration specific links from the file called install.php located into your  Tevolution/tmplconnector/monetize/templatic-registration/ folder.
Remove or comment out the below code at around line number 498,
Please see this