In this article, we will be providing you details on what are the necessary requirements to run the Templatic themes.
What are the server requirements to run templatic themes?
- WordPress 5.0 or higher
- MySQL 5 or higher
- PHP 5.6 or higher
- cURL library support with SSL (compiled into to PHP)
- GD 2 library support
- Session and memcache support
Note: Session and memcache are only required for our Directory themes & E-commerce Themes. We recommend hosting your website with Bluehost or SiteGround.
Increasing a memory on wp-config.php file
Sometimes if the files of the relevant theme are large such as Directory or its child themes and when installing the sample data or installing the theme and plugins your site goes blank you can try increasing your memory for your site. This can be done by 2 ways:
- You need to access your server and locate the wp-config.php file and add this code define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’ ); the higher the value the better the result. Please check the video from this link here for better understanding.
- You can access your cPanel server and locate the SOFTWARE section and you will PHP settings. You can click on the settings and you will see to change the PHP version and other settings. Please follow the link here for better understanding.
Increasing the max_input_var in php.ini file or change the value in the server
This type of issue is normally faced when you create new custom fields or new cities from the backend of the site. The issue could be if you have a large number of categories like more than 100+ categories then you can face issues like you cannot create new custom fields or new cities on your site backend.
To confirm this you need to create a new custom field or new cities select the relevant post type and select all the categories and save them. After saving you still can’t see your field or city you try again by doing the same process but this time select only limited categories just say 1 or 2.If the custom field or city is created then you can confirm that the issue is with the limit that has on the max_input_var in php.ini file you can ask your host to access to your server and increase the value of max_input_var in php.ini file the value can be anything eg: 3000000 after saving the value try again adding the custom field or create new cities with all the categories that you have the issue will be solved.
Increasing upload_max_filesize when you import a large file
As already mentioned in our previous point if you import a large amount of data on your site you will be seeing this type of error on your WordPress site upload_max_filesize in that case you can contact your host or you can access to your cPanel server and change the value manually from your end. Please follow the link here for more information on how you can change the value of the upload_max_filesize on your server.