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How to Improve Your WordPress Security and Protect Your Business

The security of your WordPress website should be one of your main concerns while you create and maintain business websites. But as someone who is not very familiar with the website security essentials, you might feel anxious as to how to protect your site from the threats on the internet.

This post is for every website owner who wants to ensure the security of their site by following the security conventions at every step of website building and management.

How to monetize your business directory with additional income of Google Adsense?

AdSense is great,  It’s a popular way to make additional income through Google AdSense from your Business Directory or any other site for that matter.  It’s ideal to keep the Adsense as relevant as possible to your site theme for better conversion rate. Learn who is your customer better and set the pitch accordingly.   If you don’t know, let me tell you there are plenty of bloggers and directory owners out there who as on date make quite decent money through Google AdSense. You can make about a $100 per day through only Google AdSense.


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