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How to Start Online Directory site in 30 Minutes – Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

An ultimate guide on how you can start making money online through directory websites. It comprises all the small and big details that you should know about online directory website building and management.

The WordPress directory website theme is crafted to help you easily create and manage your own site, but you will always need some technical as well as practical ideas to implement the theme and set it up as your online business.

Listing Plus

Finally, a Directory WordPress theme that can do it all. This Multipurpose WordPress Directory template comes with a modern & strategic design and extensible features set to let you create amazing web-directories in minutes. So what do you want to create? An online directory for locations, real estate, classifieds, events, jobs, or deals. Or a […]

4 Inbound Marketing Strategies for Your WordPress Directory Website

What can be your strategy to attract businesses to advertise on your online directory websites? While there is no tried and true perfect answer, inbound marketing is a great place to start. The ideal inbound marketing tactics will be different for every website.

Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is a strategy that focusses on making it easy for people to find your website and learn about what you offer. Inbound marketing sounds appealing, doesn’t it?

Inspiring Journey of the Upgraded Marlou Property website

Businesses are moving towards the internet to stay in touch with their clients. They use the business Property website as a way to attract the prospect customers and maintain touch with the existing ones.

This is the inspiring story of Mr Simon, who designed a property portal site with the help of Templatic theme. We asked him some questions about his overall experience of website building with Templatic themes.

Video Site that Introduces Wushu Sports to the World

We talked to the owners of, Sifu Alan Winner and Salie Lewi. By profession they are Chinese Martial Arts teachers in London, UK. They used the Video theme to setup a Website for Wushu enthusiasts where they introduce and promote the sport.

They helped us know about their inspiration for creating the website as well as the website building tools that helped them create the beautiful and entertaining website with great user experience.


The Easy To Use And Powerful WordPress Event Theme This responsive WordPress Event theme comes with powerful built-in features for a professional event portal. Events come with “1-click-setup’ so you can start your events portal website in no time. As with all of our event themes, you get sample data with a click of a […]

How A Young Product Manager Turned his Idea Into A Business Using Templatic Classifieds Directory Template

We loved interviewing Mr. Lucas Lee, the owner of mybudak, a niche classified ad posting website for all things related to kids. This is a kids marketplace with super-easy search options and thousands of free advertisements make it clear that the Classifieds can be used to set up an online marketplace targeting various sectors of the market.

We asked him several questions about website building with WordPress and setting up a classified directory as an online business.

Customer Story – CNR Group Insat – Apex WordPress Theme

Nicea Consulting is based in Istanbul and develops web and e-commerce projects for their clients. They have used our Apex as a contracting company theme to develop the website CNR Grup Instant for a contracting company in Istanbul. We asked them about their experiences while developing the theme and here is what they have to say about it.

Customer Story – Sports Betting Directory – Emblem Directory Theme

We talked to Gerasimos Kamplies, who owns and founded the site Bet-Gate website. It is an online gambling site operational in Greece.

Greasimos had to migrate his old website data when he started using the Emblem directory. He was kind enough to share his experience and talks about his objectives, goals, and how he built the site.