Choosing the product page layout

  1. There are 5 variations for the product page. You can set yours by navigating to StoreBox ⇒ Theme options ⇒ Product Page ⇒ Product Page Layout.

Enabling/Disabling the related products section from the product page

  1. It is really easy to switch off or on the related products on the product detail page. However, I highly recommend keeping the related products section enabled.
  2. To manage this, you can navigate to StoreBox ⇒ Theme options ⇒ Product Page ⇒ Related Product.
  3. Use the toggle button to turn it on or off.

The review tab

  1. If you want to stop showing the product reviews on the product detail page, go to StoreBox ⇒ Theme options ⇒ Product Page ⇒ Review tab.
  2.  Use the toggle button to enable or disable it.

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