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Creating a clinic website with A WordPress Dental Clinic Theme

A compact yet detailed tutorial on how to build a fully functional website with a WordPress Dental Clinic theme. WordPress is an ideal platform for creating simple static informative websites. With WordPress, you can easily build and manage descriptive websites. Moreover, it is flexible, easy to use and maintain, and SEO friendly. The availability of […]

Before buying any directory theme…

When you are going to create a global directory site, it requires a lot of planning in choosing the right tools and solutions for it! You can opt for WordPress Directory themes or a hosted directory software solution to create your online directory website. The most important things that you should look for is not just the design or even maps but the things that you will require after building your site to serve your business purpose.

While deciding and comparing themes to make up your mind, knowing the concept behind the theme creation and on what base it has been created helps a lot in reaching your decision.

6 Ways to double your Business Directory Site Traffic

When it comes to directory websites, they are loaded with content that has relevance for people at large. If properly promoted, you can expect a good amount of traffic.

However, it is always important to ensure that the promotional techniques you implement work for you. Because based on your directory’s niche, the target audience, the location, and many other factors, different techniques bring different results. But there are some common approaches that you should know about

Job Board

Homepage that reflects everything you have on your site The homepage of the theme is thoughtfully designed to engage your visitors. Your website has everything a user wants, right at the homepage. Moreover, the homepage of your job board is highly customizable. So you can restructure it the way you want. [e The ultimate Job […]


Create & manage content with Directory Directory is our brand new platform that encompasses a parent theme, various plugins and a wide selection of child themes. It is the most advanced theme we’ve ever created with literally hundreds of custom features. Read this page to learn more about the stuff you can create and manage […]


Feature index With a WordPress responsive listings directory theme that’s as massive as this there will always be features that are not mentioned on the sales page. We’ll use the following index to mention and explain… everything. If it’s useful and it’s in the theme, it’s also listed here! Create a global directory Built for […]


What is Tevolution? The Tevolution WordPress plugin enables advanced functionality in our themes. Some of the features it enables include custom post types, monetization options, custom fields… Cool thing about Tevolution is the fact it’s modular, meaning you can turn off the features you do not need. The plugin itself won’t change they way you […]


The Automobile theme… your online car showroom Templatic WordPress car themes are designed for professional looking car dealership websites. This is an ideal theme for car dealers, sellers or it can also be used for other vehicle types like motor cycles, trucks, vans or even car spare parts or accessories. Adding new make and models […]