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The Golden Sales Pitch by John Durham to Increase your Paid Directory Listings

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Hi __________?

This is _______ with ___________ , you may have heard of us. We are one of the online directories in Houston, Texas.

Real briefly, the reason for the call is, In an effort to expand our representation in the Houston area, for a limited time, we are giving away absolutely free professionally custom designed space, as a GIFT to all the local Houston Restaurants / Travel Agents (since Houston is famous for it) such as _____ and ______ and a few others… (give popular local examples)

I just needed to call and ask a couple of questions to make sure we get the info on your free listing right…(Now go right into assuming the close and start asking questions)

I have you down as being located at ________________ is that correct? (If they say “Yes”, or give you the correct info, then you have their initial interest)

Great, and just to make sure we represent you properly…let me ask you a few more quick questions…Did you folks have any particular company colors you wanted us to use on your home page? (If they give you a color, they are really on the line)

Great, and does your company have a slogan?
Okay great.

And __________ how long have you been in business there? Okay great, that’s important for visitors to know… And are you a corporate branch, or independently owned and operated? Okay I will jot that down…a lot of people see family owned businesses as more attractive to do business with…

Do you offer any special services that you want listed on your web page? Okay great. The more detail we can offer the better.

Okay and what are your office hours? (If they are still answering at this point, they are hooked and almost ready to transition to the “close”)

Now _______ once your web page starts getting visitors they are going to need a way to contact you through your site… do you want us to use a phone
number as your main contact, or include a form your page that they can fill out to submit to you via email, or both?
Good deal.
By the way, if you receive email on your phone you can get a message alert every time a visitor fills out the contact form, That way you never miss a customer…
(Prospect is thinking “cool”!)

And ________ What email address did you want your site to send the forms to?
Is this the phone number you want to list on your site? (Repeat their number to them)

Super! Couple more quick questions here __________ and I will let you go….(Now if they are still with you they are really getting excited!)

Is there any particular thing about your company that makes it unique that you want us to list?(If they answer this question you are 80% closed on this sale)

Lastly __________ Do you have a logo or any pictures you want to email us, or do you want us to just use one of our designers stock logo’s and graphics for the time being…? Great, honestly our stock graphics are pretty cool… you might like them better anyway… you can always email us pics later and we will add them.

Okay ________ Looks like I have all I need here… we will go ahead get this started for you today, and you should expect an email within the next 24-48 hours with a link to your site for your review… (Time to start transitioning to close)Now as I said,

Your fully optimized, professionally designed custom listing, is an absolutely FREE GIFT to your business, whether you choose to keep the listing with us or not … our normal listing charges are $24.95 per month, but your first 30 days (or 60 days up to you) ABSOLUTELY FREE so you can check out how well our service works with no obligation to continue whatsoever! There IS however a minimal reservation fee of $1.00 to reserve your listing space, and that is refunded to you at the end of thirty days … Is that fair enough__________?Okay great…

In a few minutes you’ll be receiving an email to access our customer service department, as well as information on how to check the status of your web page. If, after reviewing your page, you want something changed… just reply to the email and we will gladly make the changes for you at no cost…okay? So just let us know.
Now as far as reserving your space goes, as I said the charge will be for exactly one dollar…again we will refund that at the end of your thirty days, and you can cancel at
any time and still keep your webpage. We handle all reservations by either(Visa Mastercard or discover…)
Which of those is going to work best for you today?

Okay great do you have that out in front of you?Okay Guys, that’s the pitch.
Trust me it works. John Durham team claims they sold 19,000 customers with this pitch! The reason it works so well is because,

Add listing

    1. You assume the pitch in the beginning “We are giving you a free website, just need to make sure we have your info correct”… not saying “Can I pitch you”?


    1. Because the questions sell them and they feel they are being asked questions, and
      don’t realize they are being sold “Would you like a form for when visitors come to your
      site…” Makes a statement while asking a question… the questions are where the sale is
      made, so you don’t have to pitch… “Just get to the questions…” as soon as you start
      asking them it seems less like a pitch. If you can learn to ask questions that plant seeds,
      and sell with questions, you will be a jedi at sales.


    1. Because each time they answer you have a chance to gauge their enthusiasm… and know how close you are to closing. If you feel you arent there yet… just ask more
      questions and plant more thought seeds. Its called high probability selling. Its easier than saying a whole long pitch and finding out at the end that they weren’t interested… each question gives you a chance to know where you are at in the process with them.


    1. Because by the time they get done answering all of them they are practically
      committed and it will be harder for them to back out on the close. They are invested.


  1. By the time you get done asking the questions (in reality “telling them everything you are gonna do for their page covertly”…) the $1.00 seems like a no brainer, they are less suspicious and more anxious.

Now lets look at rebuttals.

What if the customer says:

Q: Whats the catch?A: There is no catch sir, we only hope that after your thirty days you will like your web page so much that you will consider keeping your hosting with us, in exchange for that we will gladly give you your professionally designed web page for free.

Q: “Why do you need one dollar to reserve my space”?A: It simply confirms to our company that you do have a valid credit card and the ability to pay should you decide to stay with our directory service beyond the 30 day free period. As I said it is refunded to you either way at the end of 30 days whether you choose to cancel or not.“As I stated this is an absolutely free gift to your business just for trying our service free for 30 days, there is no obligation to purchase whatsoever, but you still get some new customers in the meantime, so its very worthwhile to try it for 30 days, wouldn’t you agree? “

Q: I don’t have a credit card A: Well that’s no problem we can also take check by phone or you can use paypal to reserve your space as well, which one of THOSE would work best for you?

Q:I don’t trust giving my card out over the phone… A: Well honestly _____ I don’t blame you, but the reality is that using a credit card is the safest way to purchase ANYTHING because if anyone ever refuses you a refund, unlike with cash or checks you have some recourse, you can simply charge back. Or. (CC over the phone rebuttal continued) “Honestly__________ you wouldn’t be giving us any more account information than would be printed out right on the front of the check you sent us…. This is just easier for our record keeping purposes”.

Okay Lets move on….

Post Sale Fulfillment/Follow Up.

So after you have closed the sale, process the card and send the follow up email you will immediately want to sit down and add a new listing… start filling in the blanks with that customers information. This takes about 15 minutes, extension… honestly, the thing most of “these type” customers are most impressed by is a cool design, so you want to have a couple of different headers. Optional pics they may send…

Now if you want more than just $24.95 per month you can start offering them listing on Category Page or Homepage, more pages, ALL
kinds of stuff!

Many directory owners of Templatic, did not do all of that, they simply made all of his money from advertisement over side banners itself. In addition to that, its more attractive to keep creating more of the simple, hands free, residual paying one page customers. Many customers don’t even have a website so you can upsell them various services like hosting, domain, SEO, Newsletter tool, graphic designing and many more. Though it’s important you don’t feel distracted from your primary directory income of adding new listings.

Most common approach is VOLUME, and IT WORKED!

Now let me tell you, yellow page 360 offers the same kind of deal… only they charge
$79.00 per month.

ATT offer their customers the same deal… Only it costs $39.00 per
month, and they create hundreds of new customers daily doing it!

Phone companies all over the world offer optional web pages to business owners on a
at 30 day free trial ….and whatever monthly fee,

So why aren’t you?

The easiest way to create a client is to give one something for free…

So work the numbers! Can you see how this idea could literally make you a millionaire by simply giving something away for free?

I sincerely hoped you enjoyed this short report, and even if you dont use this exact system word for word, I really hope it inspired you with some ideas… Being only 14 pages, I didn’t charge $27 or $47 or $97… but, as short as it is, I think it may be some of the best info I’ve put out yet, certainly John Bowers business model is the most
amazing one I have ever seen.

Once again if anyone has any specific questions regarding this topic, please contact us.

We will glad to help you with anything from answering your questions about your directory site, Installation on behalf of you, Queries you may have.

Thanks again for reading it through. To to get started follow the step-by-step guide we have created for you, How to Start an Online Directory in 45 Minutes – Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners.