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Proximity Search

Proximity Search Directory add-on plugin will enable zip code wise proximity search in directory theme

Find listings around a zip code & show distance

Over the last few months we have made conscious efforts to improve search in our Directory platform and we are confident that Proximity Search will take it to another level. Proximity Search Directory add-on will enable zip code wise proximity search in current search widgets in Directory theme.

For example, if you search with 11212, which is zipcode for Brooklyn, New York. The search results page will display listings from Brooklyn neighborhood in New York.

Proximity Search For Directory Theme

Extremely helpful in cases where you know what you are looking for

Proximity search becomes even more helpful when you know what you are looking for, if you are looking for a listing in Brooklyn you can simply search with Brooklyn’s zip-code and all listings from Brooklyn will appear so you can easily find a relevant listing that you were looking for.

Shows how far listing is from the city you are viewing the site

On Listing archives and search result pages the distance will be shown between the city from where the user is viewing the site to the listing’s address.

For example, If you are in “New York” city and try to search the restaurant listing within same city “New York”, then it will show you the result between your IP address and the restaurant address.

Works with Directory and all its child themes

This add-on is tested and works great with our whole Directory platform which includes Directory, RealEstate Directory, all child themes and add-ons. Just imagine how easy it will make to find a listing if it is used with our List Filter add-on.