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Attractive hotel websites with Booking and Reservation features

The vacation rental hotel websites that provide booking and reservation features to the tourists to have the facility of viewing and booking furnished apartment or house on a temporary basis as an alternative to hotels. These websites show how you can flourish your business and help the users find their perfect vacation rentals using a […]

Templatic Themes Success Stories

Welcome to the Templatic showcase of real sites using our WordPress themes. Here we have published some user’s success stories, who created wonderful Directory Business sites. How they were able to implement their ideas with the theme. We are confident you will be impressed by what can be achieved by using our WordPress templates.

New: Awesome list of 40+ Free Directory theme tutorials

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If you use any of our Directory themes, this post will be super useful for you.If you are not using any of our themes yet, you have even more reasons now to build your dream directory site now. We receive a lot of repeated queries from Directory theme customers. So our support team frequently writes […]

How to monetize your business directory with additional income of Google Adsense?

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AdSense is great,  It’s a popular way to make additional income through Google AdSense from your Business Directory or any other site for that matter.  It’s ideal to keep the Adsense as relevant as possible to your site theme for better conversion rate. Learn who is your customer better and set the pitch accordingly.   If you don’t know, let me tell you there are plenty of bloggers and directory owners out there who as on date make quite decent money through Google AdSense. You can make about a $100 per day through only Google AdSense.

Who is your Customer? How do you Recognize It?

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This is hard to write about, and hard for business owners to accept. It seems so negative. Still, it seems like we all need a fresh reminder. Famous American stand-up comedian, actor, and author Bill Cosby said it well: “I don’t know the secret to success, but I do know that the secret to failure […]

What’s new in Directory theme version 2?

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You read that right. After months of hard work, Directory theme version 2 is finally here. Instead of bloating the theme with lots of features, we focused on improving performance & usability of Directory theme. Lots of changes were made which makes things simpler and more organized.

We have taken the opinions of our users into consideration and tried to develop a more competent theme with some more features that can help you convert your visitors and have more financial benefits.

Case study of A business directory powered by the Directory theme

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Over the next few weeks and months we will be presenting some of the most popular websites created with the business Directory theme. The first such site is To find out as much as possible about the site I had a discussion with Brian Burroughs, the creator of He was kind enough to answer all of my questions and provide a glimpse into what it’s like creating and running a directory website.

Introducing SpotFinder, a Directory child theme built to utilize modern screen sizes; inspired by Airbnb

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Ever since the original GeoPlaces and then Directory theme was released, the industry has adapted the trend set by templatic for listings kind of themes. Map at the top, listings at the bottom. It was great back then in 2011 when wide, big screens were not adapted yet. Things has changed and now we rarely see those 17″ screens being used. Screen space on both the side goes wasted while you are presented the content at the center of your screen.

And that’s why we are introducing the spotfinder theme, that is crafted with a unique AirBnb style design, to maximize the user experience.

Download a set of 100 free map icons

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On your website built with the Directory Theme, you can add custom markers/icons for each category. This will make your website even more intuitive and the visitors will find it easier to distinguish different categories with the help of different map markers.

But since our themes are built for non-technical people, they might find it difficult to find different map icons. And so we decided to release a set of free map markers that you can install and use in your site.